Which Type of Chiller Can Be Chosen for Cooling XRD?
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The AUWII RG cooling system is environmental friendly and suitable for advanced laboratory equipment, serve as great partnersofindustrial equipment. RG chiller fit perfectly with X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer(XRFS), Large Field Emission Electron Microscope, Plasma Etcher, Vacuum Plating Equipment, Ion Plating Equipment, Vacuum Furnace, Industrial Furnace and other Industrial Equipment with large calorific capacity. Additionally, RG series can also be used as central chillers to simultaneously meet the requirements of multiple instruments.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is used to study the crystalline structure of materials since the X-ray wavelengths (between 0.2 and 10 nm) are comparable to the interatomic spacing of crystalline solids. The technique measures the average spacing between layers or rows of atoms.
During the working status, X-ray tube generates a large amount of heat and needs to be cooled and protected by a cooling circulating water chiller. Without a chiller, the tube would overheat, leading to a multitude of issues including, eventually, tube failure. Usually requiring a low heat load of 5-8KW, cooling systems must provide precise temperature control for X-ray detectors to ensure maximum tube protection and longevity.

The AUWII RG cooling system is environmental friendly and suitable for advanced laboratory equipment, serve as great partnersofindustrial equipment. RG chiller fit perfectly with X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer(XRFS), Large Field Emission Electron Microscope, Plasma Etcher, Vacuum Plating Equipment, Ion Plating Equipment, Vacuum Furnace, Industrial Furnace and other Industrial Equipment with large calorific capacity. Additionally, RG series can also be used as central chillers to simultaneously meet the requirements of multiple instruments.